United Teams - Registration

United Teams - Registration

Charter of good conduct to read before posting.

Welcome to the United Teams forum.
This forum is a space of discussions and exchanges between impassioned of the same game, Urban Terror.
And who says game, says fun, fun... Then, so that everyone can have a good time, here are a few rules of conduct to be observed.
And who says game, says amusement, fun…So that everyone can have a good time, here are a few rules of conduct to be observed.
* All defamatory remarks, abusive, insulting, racist, xenophobic, obscene ... are strictly forbidden on the forum.
* Impersonation is prohibited, as well as the use of multiple accounts..
* Do not misuse the writing in capital letters. Indeed, these last symbolize a Net surfer who SHOUTS.
* For a pleasant reading of this forum, we incite you to look after your orthography, your syntax and to avoid the language sms.
* Not to forget not to pass by the Box presentation.
A small presentation in some lines will be very sympathetic so that all the members know each other a little.
The role of the Moderator and the administrator is to enforce the rules of good conduct for make the spaces of discussions are user-friendly and enjoyable for all.
They are the ones who decide the subjects of the forum to close or to delete.
You must respect their remarks, without what you might be banned depending on the severity of your fault.
Users of the forum are committed to respect this Charter.
The administration Team.